We have a desire that our prayers be FOCAL, LOCAL AND GLOBAL. We want them first to be biblically focused making sure we are praying as God desires and about things he wants. Secondly, we want to lift up to God our local needs in the church and our community. Lastly, we don’t want to forget our brothers and sisters in churches around the world, praying for them also. To this end we dedicate time every Sunday morning to come together and pray accordingly making sure to lift up our needs to God and to pray for a few of our fellow churches from around the world.



The “Global Prayer Project” is our venture to pray for every church in our fellowship of churches in the International Churches of Christ around the entire world.  To accomplish this, we pray specifically for a few churches every Sunday so that in one year we will have prayed for every church, big and small, around the globe in every country that we are currently at.  We feel this is one powerful way we can help every congregation, no matter their culture, country or language.  Although we will likely never meet these brothers or sisters in Christ this side of eternity, we are convinced that prayer matters and helps accomplish God’s will.  If you are interested in joining this endeavor or have questions or prayer requests, please contact Shannon Van Zee at: shannonvanzee@yahoo.com